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Plaster Rail Connector

Plaster Rail Connector


Hanging Kit for Plants (Double Looped) with Transparent Nylon Cord/ Steel Cable & Wall Hook

Hanging Kit for Plants

Plaster Rail Hook for Looped Cords



The hook for the invisible plaster rails allows you to suspend looped transparent cords and looped steel cable wires from your rail. The hook inserts into any point of the middle section of the rail that is exposed. The hanging wires attach to your pictures using the adjustable picture hooks.

Material: Steel hook

Hangs: 10kg (with 2 anchors).

How to use: Insert a hook into the exposed middle section of plaster rail. On the hook anchor, attach a looped cord or cable wire. On the suspended wire, thread the adjustable hook through. Now you can position your picture where you desire to hang it. You can even hang pictures on top of each other by threading more adjustable hooks onto the same wires.



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