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Wall-to-Wall Art Display Wall Hanging Kit

Wall-to-Wall Metal/Steel Art Display Wall Hanging Kit


Cable Hanging ‘Ceiling-to-Wall Metal/Steel Art Display Kit

Cable Hanging ‘Ceiling-to-Wall Display Kit

Wall-to-Floor Cable Hanging Metal/Steel Art Display Kit


  • Effortlessly display your metal prints and steel plate art using our convenient Wall-to-Floor system. Our Ready to use wall-to-floor kit enables you to securely showcase metal poster art, art panels, canvases, and screens. Ideal for windows and gallery spaces, this kit guarantees a beautiful presentation of your steel plate art. Price start from £39.99/.


  • Our wall-to-floor cable hanging metal/steel plate art hanging system provides a convenient solution for displaying your metal prints or steel plate art.
  • With solid brass fittings and a ready-made cable kit, you can easily hang your artwork on the wall or floor.
  • The cable display system includes a 4m steel cable with panel supports, allowing you to hang various types of artwork such as metal posters, panels, or screens.
  • Installing these cable kits is easy, as they can be screwed directly into concrete or wood surfaces.
  • Additionally, we offer different cable kits to accommodate single steel plates or multiple plates in a column arrangement.


Installation Procedure:

  1. To begin the installation process, separate the Wall Fitting into two distinct pieces: the ‘Wall Mount’ and the ‘Chrome Cover’. Affix the ‘Wall Mount’ to the top of your display and then reattach the ‘Chrome Cover’, ensuring that the ‘cable hole’ is facing downwards and the ‘Grub Screw’ is positioned on the side.
  2. Moving on to the Floor Fitting, disassemble it into two parts: the ‘Floor Mount’ and the ‘Chrome Floor Cover’ along with the Spring & Cable. With the cable hanging straight, mark the appropriate position on the floor and proceed to install the ‘Floor Mount’ accordingly. Next, partially screw the ‘Chrome Floor Cover’ back onto the ‘Floor Mount while ensuring the cable is correctly attached.
  3. If the cable remains loose after partially attaching the ‘Chrome Floor Cover’, loosen the ‘Grub Screw’ on the side of the ‘Chrome Cover’ of the Wall Fittings and pull more cable through it. Once the cable is taut, tighten the ‘Grub Screw’ and secure the ‘Chrome Floor Cover’ until the cable is tightly held.
  4. Remember, it is crucial for the cable to be taut before fully screwing down the ‘Chrome Floor Cover’ onto the ‘Floor Mount’ to ensure the Tension ‘Spring’ functions effectively. If there is any excess cable, simply trim it for a neat finish.


Complete Kit includes:

  • Hang 1 Plate:   (2 Wall-to-Floor fitting + 2 plate supports)
  • Hang 2 Plates: (2 Wall-to-Floor fitting + 4 plate supports)
  • Hang 3 Plates: (2 Wall-to-Floor fitting + 6 plate supports)
  • Hang 4 Plates: (2 Wall-to-Floor fitting + 8 plate supports)

Additional information

Cable Kit

Hang 1 x Plate, Hang 2 x Plates, Hang 3 x Plates, Hang 4 x Plates

Cable Length

4 Meter


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